Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to detox naturally with raw food diet plan

Raw Food Diet Health Benefits

The proper detox diet diet is one which involves eating big dietary amounts of uncooked and unprocessed vegetables and fruits.

One can also take seeds, grains, nuts and beans.  Raw food is one which is uncooked. Mostly, cooked food tends to lose the important nutrients and vitamins when it is subjected to high levels of heat. Eating foods that are of high nutritional value helps us maintain healthy lives. The best way of taking a healthy diet is by including more fruits and raw vegetables in your meals. It is advisable to try eating around 75% of raw and 25% of foods that have been cooked lightly especially the whole grains.

Cooking food destroys and kills the essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are necessary for good health. This leads to development of many problems such as heart diseases and diabetes. Eating raw foods increases your energy levels and reduces the need for sleep. Many people have reported that they feel so youthful and energetic even after waking up in the morning.
There are numerous health benefits that one gets from using this natural detox plan. These benefits include;

·         Improved digestion- the raw food diet does not clog your colon and allows for the digestion process to be done smoothly due to presence of roughage in the diet.

·         Reduction in disease susceptibility- raw food diets doesn’t have the saturated fats that are found in many cooked foods and processed or junk foods. This helps in reducing the diseases that you might be prone to due to bad dietary habits. Heart diseases, obesity and even diabetes are some of the diseases that have reduced greatly due to eating raw foods.

·         Availability of nutrients- raw foods have high levels of nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and plant fiber. Lack of such nutrients leads to development of severe body problems especially to the bones and the blood.

·         Low cholesterol levels- use of the raw food diet lowers the levels of cholesterol which reduces risks of getting high blood pressure and obesity complications.

Raw foods are quite eco-friendly as they are not packaged in plastic bags or cans which may litter the environment and this ensures that we stay healthy as there are chemicals which are emitted in the packaging materials and are harmful to health. Eating raw foods saves on resources as you don’t have to use up energy to cook them. It is advisable for you to start incorporating more fruits and raw vegetable in your diet. You should purchase only locally grown raw foods or those which are organic as the non-organic foods are exposed to toxins like pesticides which are harmful. It is important to avoid consumption of raw meat as it might have parasites and bacteria.

Raw food provides you with the best and healthy nutrition and diet components for your meals. It should be noted that each individual is different and research should be done before deciding on trying out a new diet plan. With the raw food diet, you will know how to detox naturally.

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