Thursday, March 14, 2013

Detox Diet Plan With a Difference

A well known nutritionist and a health expert as well as a former nurse named Sandy Halliday has recently completed her study on detox diets and written a tell-all report and a Detox Plan, called Definitive Detox Diet.

According to Sandy, her controversial report is scientifically proven and recomended by top health practitioners to reverse symptoms of toxicity with stunning results in short period of time.

Sandy's Client Testimonial:

The Detox Program includes:

  • The Definitive Detox Diet - Insider Secrets to Radiant Health (Plan & Mp3 Audio)
  • 50 Easy & Delicious Recipes for Detox & Cleansing
  • The Definitive Detox Diet Quick Start Guide
  • Get Juiced - Juice The Way To Radiant Health
  • The Slim Down Strategy
  • How To Eliminate Stress & Anxiety From Your Life

                                   Click here for more info on Definitive Detox Plan

If you suffer from tiredness, headaches, frequent colds, flu and other infections, constipation or even inability to lose weight you could benefit from a detox.

Some other conditions that have been linked with toxicity are:

- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Food Allergies
- Heart Disease
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromylagia Syndrome
- Parkinson's Disease
- Alzheimer's
- Cancers
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Arthrits
- Digestive Diseases
- Menstrual Problems
- Menopausal Changes

According to Sandy Halliday unfortunately this is the reality for hundereds of the people she sees every year a a nutitionist. Often they don't realize they can heal from most diseases or illneses by following a well planed detox program.

It's not - just start your Definitive Detox Program and you will feel the difference within days!

Sandy Halliday
Nutritionist, Health Expert & Author of 'Definitive Detox Program'

I would love to hear your feedback about this Definitive Detox Program so be sure to check it out and come back to post your comments and share your experience.

To your radiant health,

Monday, January 7, 2013

How to detox with natural detox diet plan

You will find here how to detox most efectively with natural detox diet plan best suited for your needs

Going on a short term detox diet can not only help your body get rid of unwanted toxins, it can also address issues such as stress, obesity, digestion, bloating, and even help enhance a higher metabolism rate when done along with eating a healthy diet. Usually, a detoxification diet last from one to three weeks depending on the level of detox desired. But the positive benefits do not end there as a detoxification diet can actually help the body fight off the common cold and flu better, prevent the premature aging of the skin and even assist with lessening the symptoms of allergies.

For all the benefits, you will want to see if a detoxification diet is right for you. Remember that such a diet is not going to make you super human. It will simply allow your body to do what it does better and more efficiently. Always consult with a physician before going on a detoxification diet as certain health conditions such as diabetes, anemia and kidney disease should avoid such a process altogether unless it is under the strict supervision of a doctor. Women who are pregnant or nursing should also avoid a detoxification diet during that time.

Generally speaking, a natural detox diet plan consists of only consuming drinks, juices or foods that have detoxification diet qualities over a relatively short period of time. There are several different types of detoxification diets and choosing the best one for you will depend on just how strict you want your detoxification diet to be over the time period you choose to go on it.

So How to Detox ?



Juice, Shake or Smoothie Fasting: As the names imply, this type of diet involves only consuming either juices such a beet or wheatgrass and water or involves smoothies that typically mean blended fruits and vegetables, especially those of the green variety.  

A Raw food detoxification diet is only eating raw food that has not been heated above 120 degrees. You will have to be careful about potential food poisoning depending on the type of raw food chosen, it is usually best to stick with fruits, vegetables, and foods that do not have to be cooked to be safely served.

The “Master” Cleanse is the most recognizable detoxification diet. It usually consists of only consuming lemonade, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper over a period of a few days. This will certainly clear out the toxins in your body, but you do not want to stay on this diet for more than a few days as its continued use will begin to adversely affect your overall health.

Once you physician gives you the green light to start a natural detox diet, you should pick the type of detoxification diet you want to follow and the time period of three, five, seven or more days you wish to follow. Fasting or the “Master” cleanse diets shouldn’t be combined with normal work routines as this can lead to a number of side effects due to the lack of caloric intake.

For most people, following a less restrictive detox diet plan, which usually consists of eating more raw vegetables and drinking smoothies or juices with meals can be done on a daily basis and help your body clean out the toxins, resulting in a younger look and better, overall healthy feeling.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Raw Food Detox Menu Plan

How to Detox with Raw Food Diet Menu Plan

A raw food diet offers a healthy, natural alternative to the highly processed foods commonly found in supermarkets. The premise behind a raw food diet is to eat only uncooked foods in their natural forms. It has been claimed that a raw food diet boosts energy, improves health and promotes weight loss.

The major guideline to follow when adopting a raw food diet is to only eat foods that are uncooked and as close to their natural state as possible. The Best of Raw Food website considers foods uncooked if they are never heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. The commitment to unprocessed foods requires that fruits and vegetables be fresh, unaltered and free of additives. Raw food diets also reject non-organic produce and any food treated with pesticides, irradiated or genetically modified.

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides many vitamins and minerals your body needs. The raw food diet emphasizes eating green leafy vegetables, sugary fruits and unprocessed foods with a high unsaturated fat content. These foods abound in most vitamins and minerals as well as beneficial antioxidants.

Balance your meals by consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as unprocessed whole grains that remain uncooked. Soak grains and seeds until they sprout to provide a raw form of carbohydrates. Because a raw food diet is often low in vitamin B12, an important compound found primarily in animal products, taking a B12 supplement may be necessary.
Typical lunches consist of a leafy green salad with a salad dressing made of a raw plant fat, such as avocado, mixed with a sugary fruit, such as orange or lemon. Include one or two servings of fruit to boost your energy level.

For dinner, eat a large salad with a mixture of leafy green vegetables. Include fat-rich avocado, nuts, seeds or olives to boost the nutritional value of your salad. Supplement your meal with dried fruits, citrus fruits or raw vegetables. Avoid alcohol; drink raw or soy milk for nutrients instead. Proponents of a raw food diet claim that it preserves the natural enzymes found in plants by preventing them from denaturing during cooking. According to The Best of Raw Food website, this type of diet also promotes consumption of beneficial alkaline foods that are higher in pH and boost immune system functioning. Raw food enthusiasts claim that the diet replaces "dead food" with live, energy-boosting food. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables does boost levels of vitamins and minerals, conferring many health benefits.

Critics of the raw food movement say that a raw diet is highly restrictive and possibly dangerous. Nutritionists worry that people who eat only raw foods limit their intake of protein, vitamin B12 and calcium, compounds vital to proper bodily functioning. Food scientists criticize the idea that the denatured enzymes in cooked foods are unhealthy, noting that humans' acidic stomachs quickly denature enzymes anyway.

A switch to an entirely raw diet is a significant lifestyle change that should be carefully considered. Consult a doctor or nutritionist to determine whether you receive adequate nutrients when adhering to the diet. Dietary supplements may be necessary to add calcium and vitamin B12 to your diet. This is so far the best natural detox diet plan out there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to detox naturally with raw food diet plan

Raw Food Diet Health Benefits

The proper detox diet diet is one which involves eating big dietary amounts of uncooked and unprocessed vegetables and fruits.

One can also take seeds, grains, nuts and beans.  Raw food is one which is uncooked. Mostly, cooked food tends to lose the important nutrients and vitamins when it is subjected to high levels of heat. Eating foods that are of high nutritional value helps us maintain healthy lives. The best way of taking a healthy diet is by including more fruits and raw vegetables in your meals. It is advisable to try eating around 75% of raw and 25% of foods that have been cooked lightly especially the whole grains.

Cooking food destroys and kills the essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are necessary for good health. This leads to development of many problems such as heart diseases and diabetes. Eating raw foods increases your energy levels and reduces the need for sleep. Many people have reported that they feel so youthful and energetic even after waking up in the morning.
There are numerous health benefits that one gets from using this natural detox plan. These benefits include;

·         Improved digestion- the raw food diet does not clog your colon and allows for the digestion process to be done smoothly due to presence of roughage in the diet.

·         Reduction in disease susceptibility- raw food diets doesn’t have the saturated fats that are found in many cooked foods and processed or junk foods. This helps in reducing the diseases that you might be prone to due to bad dietary habits. Heart diseases, obesity and even diabetes are some of the diseases that have reduced greatly due to eating raw foods.

·         Availability of nutrients- raw foods have high levels of nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and plant fiber. Lack of such nutrients leads to development of severe body problems especially to the bones and the blood.

·         Low cholesterol levels- use of the raw food diet lowers the levels of cholesterol which reduces risks of getting high blood pressure and obesity complications.

Raw foods are quite eco-friendly as they are not packaged in plastic bags or cans which may litter the environment and this ensures that we stay healthy as there are chemicals which are emitted in the packaging materials and are harmful to health. Eating raw foods saves on resources as you don’t have to use up energy to cook them. It is advisable for you to start incorporating more fruits and raw vegetable in your diet. You should purchase only locally grown raw foods or those which are organic as the non-organic foods are exposed to toxins like pesticides which are harmful. It is important to avoid consumption of raw meat as it might have parasites and bacteria.

Raw food provides you with the best and healthy nutrition and diet components for your meals. It should be noted that each individual is different and research should be done before deciding on trying out a new diet plan. With the raw food diet, you will know how to detox naturally.